විකිපීඩියා:මකා දැමීමට ඇති ගොනු
Files for deletion Files for deletion (FfD) is for listing images and other media files which are unneeded. Files that have been listed here for more than 7 days are eligible for deletion if either a consensus to do so has been reached or no objections to deletion have been raised. To quote the non-free content criteria, "it is the duty of users seeking to include or retain content to provide a valid rationale; those seeking to remove or delete it are not required to show that one cannot be created — see burden of proof." For undeletion requests, first contact the administrator who deleted the file. If you are unable to resolve the issue with that administrator, the matter should be brought to deletion review. If you have questions if something should be deleted, consider asking at Media Copyright Questions. |
Examples of what you may request here
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What not to list hereසංස්කරණයI. For speedy deletion candidates, do not use this page; instead use {{db|reason}}. See the criteria for speedy deletion. These are: duplicates (where both files are on Wikipedia), thumbnails, broken files, non-existent files, non-commercial, "by permission" files and files which are not an image, sound file or video clip and have no encyclopedic use. II. Files that have no source, or have an unknown copyright, or are unused or replaceable non-free, or are non-free without rationale can be marked so that they will be deleted after a week, and should not be listed on this page. Add one of the following to the file page:
If the source or licensing information of an image marked as being freely licensed is disputed, please list the file on Possibly unfree files III. Redundant or duplicate files do not have to be listed here. Please use
IV. For blatant copyright infringements, use speedy deletion by tagging the file {{db-f9}} V. Suspected copyright violations shouldn't be listed here.
VI. Files that are hosted on Wikimedia Commons cannot be deleted via this process. Please use the Commons deletion page instead. VII. If a file is appropriately licensed and could be usable elsewhere, consider copying it to the Wikimedia Commons instead of listing it for deletion. Once copied to the Commons, it is eligible for speedy deletion per criteria 8 for files. VIII. If you are the uploader of the image, tag it with {{db-author}}. | |||||||
Instructions for listing files for deletion To list a file:
State the reasons why the file should be deleted. Some common reasons are:
These are not the only "valid" reasons to delete a file. Any properly explained reason can be used. The above list comprises the most common and uncontroversial ones. Since abbreviated deletion reasons will not be familiar to most Wikipedians, especially newbies, please consider using full words. A few extra keystrokes now can save paragraphs of explanation to a panicked uploader wondering what's wrong with their image. If you remove a file from an article, list the article from which you removed it so there can be community review of whether the file should be deleted. This is necessary because file pages do not remember the articles on which the file were previously used. |
To force the server to update this page immediately, purge the cache.
Instructions for discussion participation
සංස්කරණයIn responding to the deletion nomination, consider adding your post in the format
* '''View''' - Reasoning ... -- ~~~~
where "Delete", "Keep", "Comment", or something else may replace "View". In posting their reasoning, many editors use abbreviations and cite to the following:
- Wikipedia:NFCC#1 – Free equivalent is/is not available
- Wikipedia:NFCC#8 – Significance
- Wikipedia:Non-free content#Images 2 – Unacceptable image use
Remember that polling is not a substitute for discussion. Wikipedia's primary method of determining consensus is through editing and discussion, not voting. Although editors occasionally use straw polls in an attempt to test for consensus, polls or surveys sometimes impede rather than assist discussion. They should be used with caution, and are no more binding than any other consensus decision.
Instructions for closing discussions
සංස්කරණයNominations should be processed for closing after being listed for 7 days following the steps here.
Old discussions
සංස්කරණයThe following discussions are more than 7 days old and are pending processing by an administrator:
This page has a backlog that requires the attention of one or more administrators. This notice is automatically updated by AnomieBOT (talk) and will no longer be displayed when the backlog is cleared |
- Wikipedia:Files for deletion/2012 November 18 - 17 remaining
- Wikipedia:Files for deletion/2012 December 19 - 3 remaining
- Wikipedia:Files for deletion/2012 December 22 - 2 remaining
- Wikipedia:Files for deletion/2012 December 26 - 2 remaining
- Wikipedia:Files for deletion/2012 December 27 - 1 remaining
- Wikipedia:Files for deletion/2012 December 30 - 1 remaining
- Wikipedia:Files for deletion/2012 December 31 - 1 remaining
- Wikipedia:Files for deletion/2013 January 7 - 4 remaining
- Wikipedia:Files for deletion/2013 January 11 - 28 remaining
For older nominations, see the archives.
Recent nominations
සංස්කරණයවිකිපීඩියා:Files for deletion/2025 පෙබරවාරි 1 විකිපීඩියා:Files for deletion/2025 පෙබරවාරි 2 විකිපීඩියා:Files for deletion/2025 පෙබරවාරි 3 විකිපීඩියා:Files for deletion/2025 පෙබරවාරි 4 විකිපීඩියා:Files for deletion/2025 පෙබරවාරි 5 විකිපීඩියා:Files for deletion/2025 පෙබරවාරි 6 විකිපීඩියා:Files for deletion/2025 පෙබරවාරි 7
සංස්කරණයToday is පෙබරවාරි 7 2025. Put new nominations in Wikipedia:Files for deletion/2025 පෙබරවාරි 7 -- This page doesn't exist yet, please create it.
If the current date's page has been started without the header, apply {{subst:Ffd log}} to the top of the day's page.
Please ensure "===පෙබරවාරි 7===" is at the very top of the new page so that internal page links from the main Files for deletion page (the one you're on now) work.