පූජාසනයක් (ඉංග්‍රීසි:Altar) යනු ආගමික වාතාවත්, පූජාවන් හෝ වෙනත් චාරිත්‍රානුකූල අරමුණු සඳහා ඉදිරිපත් කිරීම සඳහා මේසයක් හෝ වේදිකාවකි. පූජනීය ස්ථාන, පන්සල්, පල්ලි සහ වෙනත් ආගමික ස්ථානවල පූජාසන දක්නට ලැබේ. ඒවා විශේෂයෙන් පේගන්, ක්‍රිස්තියානි ධර්මය, බුද්ධාගම, හින්දු ආගම, යුදෙව් ආගම[a], නූතන පේගන් සහ කොකේසියා සහ කුඩා ආසියාව අවට ඇතැම් ඉස්ලාමීය ප්‍රජාවන්හි භාවිතා වේ. බොහෝ ඓතිහාසික-මධ්‍යකාලීන ඇදහිලි වන රෝමානු, ග්‍රීක සහ නෝර්ස් ආගම් ඇතුළුව ඒවා භාවිතා කර ඇත.

රොස්කිල්ඩ් ආසන දෙව්මැදුරේ පූජාසනය

පුරාණ කාලයේ පූජාසන


යුදෙව් ආගම


The first altar recorded in the Hebrew Bible is that erected by Noah.[1] Altars were erected by Abraham,[2] by Isaac,[3] by Jacob,[4] and by Moses.[5]

After the theophany on Mount Sinai, in the Tabernacle—and afterwards in the Temple—only two altars were used: The Altar of Burnt Offering, and the Altar of Incense, both near where the Ark of the Covenant was located.

ක්රිස්තියානි ධර්මය


බටහිර ක්‍රිස්තියානි පල්ලිවල


කතෝලික සභාව


The liturgical norms state:

It is fitting that the tradition of the Roman liturgy should be preserved of placing relics of martyrs or other saints beneath the altar. However, the following should be noted:
(a) Relics intended for deposition should be large enough that they can be recognized as parts of human bodies. Hence excessively small relics of one or more saints must not be deposited.
(b) The greatest care must be taken to determine whether relics intended for deposition are authentic. It is better for an altar to be dedicated without relics than to have relics of doubtful credibility placed beneath it.
(c) A reliquary must not be placed on the altar, or in the table of the altar; it must be beneath the table of the altar, as the design of the altar may allow.[7]

රෙපරමාදු පල්ලි

ලූතරන් පල්ලි
ඇංග්ලිකන් පල්ලි

Eastern Christian Rites


Syro-Maronite Church


The Syriac Maronite Church, along with the other Syriac Churches, has freestanding altars in most cases so the priests and deacons can circumambulate the altar during processions and incensations. Traditionally the Maronite liturgy was offered with the priest and people oriented to the East but because of modern latinizations it is common to find Maronite liturgies offered with the priest facing against the people from the opposite side of the altar, in imitation of modern practices in the Latin Church.

හින්දු ආගම








නෝර්ස් පේගන්


උස් ස්ථාන


High places are elevated areas on which altars have been erected for worship in the belief that, as they were nearer heaven than the plains and valleys, they are more favourable places for prayer. High places were prevalent in almost all ancient cultures as centers of cultic worship.

High places in Israelite (Hebrew: Bamah, or Bama) or Canaanite culture were open-air shrines, usually erected on an elevated site. Prior to the conquest of Canaan by the Israelites in the 12th–11th century BCE, the high places served as shrines of the Canaanite fertility deities, the Baals (Lords) and the Asherot (Semitic goddesses). In addition to an altar, matzevot (stone pillars representing the presence of the divine) were erected.[8]

The practice of worship on these spots became frequent among the Hebrews, though after the temple was built it was forbidden. Such worship was with difficulty abolished, though denounced time after time by the prophets as an affront to God. A closely related example is a "backyard" altar, so to speak. Before there was a set temple and an established altar people built their own altars. After the temple was built use of these altars was forbidden. Unlike the case of high places, "backyard" altar worship was quickly eradicated. In following years, the practice drastically decreased in popularity.

පාද සටහන්

  1. ^ Altar use in Judaism is historical only: It ended with the destruction of the Second Temple.
  2. ^ The "high" altar is out of sight in the background, beneath the window. When the low altar is in use, the high altar in the back is not used, and stands "undressed".

යොමු කිරීම්

  1. ^ Genesis 8:20
  2. ^ Genesis 12:7, 13:4, 22:9
  3. ^ Genesis 26:25)
  4. ^ 33:20, 35:1–3
  5. ^ Exodus 17:15
  6. ^ උපුටාදැක්වීම් දෝෂය: අනීතික <ref> ටැගය; GIRM නමැති ආශ්‍රේයන් සඳහා කිසිදු පෙළක් සපයා නොතිබුණි
  7. ^ Rite of Dedication of a Church and an Altar. Chapter II, 5.
    The Code of Canon Law (Report). canon 1237, §2. and [6](302)
  8. ^ "High place". Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 2007. https://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9040403. ප්‍රතිෂ්ඨාපනය 2007-07-01. 

බාහිර සබැඳි

"https://si.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=පූජාසනය&oldid=702912" වෙතින් සම්ප්‍රවේශනය කෙරිණි