විකිපීඩියා:නිර්භීත වන්න

නිර්භීත වන්න!

එය දැන් කරන්න! (ශිෂ්ටත්වයෙන් යුතුව එය කළ යුතු බව පැහැදිලි ඇති!)

Wikipedia:Be bold (WP:BOLD) is best summed up in three words: "Just do it!" The Wikipedia community encourages users to be bold when updating the encyclopedia. Wikis like ours develop faster when everybody helps to fix problems, correct grammar, add facts, make sure wording is accurate, etc. We would like everyone to be bold and help make Wikipedia a better encyclopedia. How many times have you read something and thought, "Why aren't these pages copy-edited?" Wikipedia not only allows you to add, revise, and edit articles: it wants you to do it. This does require some amount of politeness, but it works. You'll see. Of course, others here will edit what you write. Do not take it personally! They, like all of us, just wish to make Wikipedia as good an encyclopedia as it can possibly be.