This page contain tips and info about the progress. Atm. there are 2,911 files.
In march 2020 there was 4,551 files on si.wiki. In june 2021 it was about 3,650 files. In may 2023 there were 3,035 files.
- All free files Category:සියලු නිදහස් මාධ්යය 2,037 files (Click to see who uploaded)
- All non-free files Category:සියළු නො-නිදහස් මාධ්ය 872 files
- All free in the US files Category:එජ මාධ්යයෙහි මුළුමනින් නිදහස් 8 files
- Files without a license Category:No license 0 files