Module:Track gauge/extra
The two modules Module:Track gauge/data and Module:Track gauge/extra hold the data for Module:Track gauge and template {{Track gauge}}. Both have the same data structure. Comments in the module text for instructions on how to add new gauges.
- Module:Track gauge/data has the stable data (currently over 200 track gauge definitions).
- Module:Track gauge/extra is available to quickly add and test newly discovered gauge definitions (without invoking much job queus for the cache). Once stable, these can be added to the main /data list.
Entry data structure
සංස්කරණයA single entry is a subtable (within {...}
) in the data page. The subtable has the following structure:
{ ["id"] = "1000", -- Gauge identification in mm. ["aliases"] = {[[1000mm]], [[1m]]}, -- Aliases for the gauge (input options; input spaces, commas and capitals are re-formatted by the module). ["def1"] = "met", -- The defining measurement, either "met" (metric) or "imp" (imperial). ["name"] = "metre gauge", -- Name for the gauge (alternative). ["link"] = "[[metre gauge]]", -- Link to named gauge article (alternative, linked). ["pagename"] = "standard gauge", -- Link to sourcing Wikipedia article. ["contentcat"] = "Iberian gauge railways" -- Non-default category name (don't add 'Category:'). ["m"] = "1", -- Gauge in metre (the ["mm"] value, below, will not be shown). ["mm"] = "1000", -- Gauge in mm. ["ft"] = "3", -- The feet part of the gauge. ["in"] = "3", -- The inches part of the gauge (can have decimals) ["num"] = "3", -- The numerator for fractions of inches (the "3" in 3/8 inches). ["den"] = "8" -- The denominator for fractions of inches (the "8" in 3/8 inches). },
- Overall structure
A module:Track gauge/data page has the following structure:
return { { ["id"] = "1000", ["aliases"] = {[[1000mm]], [[1m]]}, ["def1"] = "met", -- ..., ["den"] = "8" }, { ["id"] = "1067", ["aliases"] = {[[1067mm]]}, ["def1"] = "met", -- ..., ["in"] = "6" } }
- Note: the last data of an entry ("den" and "in" examples) do not have a comma.
- Note: the last entry ("{id=1067, ...}" example) does not have a final comma after its closing "}"
About aliases and identifiers
සංස්කරණයA rail track gauge is identified by "id". That id is the size in mm (a choice, made for this list). Preferably it has an article link where that gauge definition is described and sourced.
An entry is a data set (a complete subtable) with structure { ["id"] = "n", ... }
An entry is identified by its Aliases. Aliases are unique; any alias will find only one entry (if present). Two entries can point to one gauge id: usually when definied in metric *and* defined in imperial. e.g., "1435mm" and "56.5in" are different entries (showing different primary size: in met or imp) but they point to the same gauge id: ["id"] = "1435".
The "id", "aliases", and "def1" fields are required. Also, some size in metric and in imperial must be present. That is: at least one metric size field (mm or m) and one imperial size field (ft, inch, or num+den) must exist. All other fields are optional.
- id: An id can be reused in multiple entries. Usually used twice when a gauge is defined in both metric and in imperial. Even a third gauge name (by another alias) can be added.
- alias (input option): An Alias must be unique over all data. Alias names here should not contain any spaces; spaces are trimmed from the input when it is processed, so alias names containing spaces will not be matched.
Adding a new track gauge (entry)
සංස්කරණයNew gauge definitions can be added in module:Track gauge/extra.
New gauges can be added through module:Track gauge/extra.
Articles with input not recognised (alias is not in the data pages) are listed in Category:Articles using template 'Track gauge' with unrecognized input.
සංස්කරණය- No errors found in module:Track gauge/data.
- No errors found in module:Track gauge/extra.
See also
සංස්කරණය- {{Track gauge/doc/input options}} -- Overview
-- This page Track gauge/extra is a data page for module:Track gauge. Its structure and job is exactly the same as module:Track gauge/data.
-- This page allows for speedy adding new track gauge definitions, without having to reprocess all 13,000 pages that use RailGauge.
-- When an input option (alias) is not found in regular Track gauge/data, this page is loaded and searched.
-- Over time, entries added here will be moved to Track gauge/data page.
-- (This concept copied from [module:Convert/extra].)
--[=[ Full list (remove idle rows; remember to add a comma - except the last one)
-- required: id, aliases, def1 plus a size in ft,in and a size in metric.
["id"] = "",
["aliases"] = {[[]], [[]]},
["def1"] = "met/imp",
["name"] = "",
["link"] = "[[]]",
["pagename"] = "",
["contentcat"] = "", -- Keep the empty when not exists
["m"] = "",
["mm"] = "",
["ft"] = "",
["in"] = "",
["num"] = "",
["den"] = ""