Normal usage
{{Monthly archived talk|2010}}

{{Monthly archived talk}}

{{Monthly archived talk/sandbox}}

Current year start year
{{Monthly archived talk|2024}}

{{Monthly archived talk}}

{{Monthly archived talk/sandbox}}

Current year start year with archivetime 5 years
{{Monthly archived talk|2024|archivetime=5 years}}

{{Monthly archived talk}}

{{Monthly archived talk/sandbox}}

Current year start year with custom archprefix
{{Monthly archived talk|2024|archprefix=Test prefix}}

{{Monthly archived talk}}

{{Monthly archived talk/sandbox}}

Current year start year with noarchprefix
{{Monthly archived talk|2024|noarchprefix=true}}

{{Monthly archived talk}}

{{Monthly archived talk/sandbox}}

Current year start year with nosearch
{{Monthly archived talk|2024|nosearch=true}}

{{Monthly archived talk}}

{{Monthly archived talk/sandbox}}

Current year start year with noarchprefix, nosearch and archivetime 5 years
{{Monthly archived talk|2024|archivetime=5 years |noarchprefix=true |nosearch=true}}

{{Monthly archived talk}}

{{Monthly archived talk/sandbox}}

"සැකිල්ල:Monthly_archived_talk/testcases&oldid=595308" වෙතින් සම්ප්‍රවේශනය කෙරිණි