An infobox for the Australian states and territories.

Usage සංස්කරණය

{{Infobox Australia state or territory
| state               = 
| flag                = 
| flag_alt            = 
| coat_of_arms        = 
| coat_of_arms_alt    = 
| nickname            = 
| motto               = 
| map                 = 
| alt_map             = 
| alt_map_size        = 
| alt_map_caption     = 
| alt_map_alt         = 
| coordinates         = <!-- {{coord|lat|S|lon|E|display=inline,title}} -->
| capital_city        = 
| demonym             = 
| viceroy             = 
| chief               = 
| chief_party         = 
| established_event1  = 
| established_date1   = 
| established_event2  = 
| established_date2   = 
| established_event3  = 
| established_date3   = 
| established_event4  = 
| established_date4   = 
| established_event5  = 
| established_date5   = 
| established_event6  = 
| established_date6   = 
| total_area          = 
| area_rank           = 
| land_area           = 
| water_area          = 
| percent_water       = 
| population_year     = 
| population_ref      = 
| population          = 
| population_rank     = 
| density             = 
| density_rank        = 
| highest_point       = 
| highest_elev        = 
| highest_elev_ref    = 
| lowest_point        = 
| lowest_elev         = 
| GSP_year            = 
| GSP                 = 
| GSP_ref             = 
| GSP_rank            = 
| GSP_per_capita      = 
| GSP_per_capita_rank = 
| timezone            = 
| house_seats         = 
| senate_seats        = 
| floral_emblem       = 
| animal_emblem       = 
| bird_emblem         = 
| marine_emblem       = 
| mineral_emblem      = 
| fossil_emblem       = 
| colours             = 
| website             = 
| footnotes           = 

Tracking category සංස්කරණය