සැකිල්ල:විකි-විරාමය උත්සවය

A Wikibreak template intended for use for any holiday. On default, the template will simply read that the user is "taking a wikibreak for a Holiday". Adjusting the parameters will add your holiday, with an image that relates to it (Christmas will show an ornament, Hanukkah a Menorah, and so on). Currently the parameters are:

  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas
  • New Year
  • Birthday

As we're all busy around these times of year, add this to your userpage - you're bound to need a wikibreak. For example, add {{Wikibreak Holiday}} with a parameter of (|Thanksgiving) if you're busy preparing a TG meal. If a holiday you celebrate is not part of this template, feel free to add it or contact me for help. - I.M.S. (talk) 17:13, 26 November 2009 (UTC)

Any and all parameters optional.

{{Wikibreak Holiday
| [Name]
| back      =
| type      =
| message   =
| align     =
| bgcol     =
| image     =
| noimage   =
| imagesize =
| spacetype =
Parameter Description Example and default
Name Your username or nickname. {{Wikibreak Holiday | Joe | ...}}
type Type of holiday:
  1. Thanksgiving (changes image and message)
  2. Christmas (changes image and message)
  3. Hanukkah (changes image and message)
  4. Kwanzaa (changes image and message)
  5. Birthday (changes image and message)
  6. default (Default image and message)
{{Wikibreak Holiday | type=default | ...}}
Default: #default
back Replaces "soon" in the default message. Deprecated. {{Wikibreak Holiday | back=in January | ...}}
Default: soon
message Your own message rather than the default. {{Wikibreak Holiday | message=Joe is elsewhere for now, but will check his talk page now and then. | ...}}
Default: "Name is taking a short wikibreak and will be back on Wikipedia soon."
align The alignment of the message. Options are "left", "center", and "right". {{Wikibreak Holiday | message=Joe is elsewhere for now, but will check his talk page now and then. | align=left |...}}
Default: center
bgcol The name (e.g. "beige") or HTML hex (e.g. "#97AAC4") specifying the template's background colo(u)r. {{Wikibreak Holiday ...| bgcol=pink | ...}}
Default: #F8EABA
image Filename of the image you wish to appear
beside the message (omitting "Image:" prefix).
{{Wikibreak Holiday ...| image=MyImage.jpg | ...}}
Default: Sunset at Huntington Beach.jpg
noimage To display the template without a picture. {{Wikibreak Holiday ...| noimage= | ...}}
Default: unused
spacetype Type of box:

tmbox (makes it appear like a tmbox)

{{Wikibreak Holiday | spacetype=tmbox | ...}}
Default: mbox
imagesize Size of the image. {{Wikibreak Holiday ...| imagesize=100px | ...}}
Default: 75px