ප්‍රවර්ග සාකච්ඡාව:Athletics Commonwealth champions navigational boxes

oldid date/time username edit summary
953375733 2020-04-27T01:58:27Z Lepricavark /* top */added CatAutoTOC
650319314 2015-03-07T17:25:18Z Sillyfolkboy added [[Category:Athletics at the Commonwealth Games navigational boxes]] using [[WP:HC|HotCat]]
468067249 2011-12-28T11:31:30Z Cydebot Robot: Moved from Category:Athletics Commonwealth champions templates. Authors: WOSlinker, Sillyfolkboy, Darius Dhlomo, Mike Selinker, Cydebot
468067149 2011-12-28T11:30:41Z Cydebot Robot - Speedily moving category Commonwealth champions templates to [[:Category:Commonwealth champions navigational boxes]] per [[WP:CFDS|CFDS]].
467705507 2011-12-26T04:12:36Z Mike Selinker Nominated for speedy renaming; see [[WP:CFDS|categories for discussion/Speedy]]. ([[WP:TW|TW]])
412353402 2011-02-06T15:09:21Z WOSlinker {{template category}}
335513668 2010-01-02T20:50:39Z Sillyfolkboy refine cat
252364547 2008-11-17T14:16:57Z Darius Dhlomo [[WP:AES|←]]Created page with 'This category consists of templates that display the event champions of [[Athletics at the Commonwealth Games]]. [[Category:Commonwealth champions templates]] [[C...'

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