ප්‍රවර්ගය:Wikipedia articles with suppressed authority control identifiers

Individual {{Authority control}} identifiers may be suppressed from automatically being displayed from Wikidata by using blank/empty parameter values. For example, the VIAF value for ඩග්ලස් ඇඩම්ස් (Q42) may be suppressed on Douglas Adams by |VIAF=. Pages are sorted by the last suppressed parameter encountered alphabetically.

Pages with blank parameters added prior to this feature's implementation date of 20 June 2018 should have those blank parameters removed, after inspection; for example, on Georgy Flyorov.

Pages in this category should only be added by Module:Authority control.

දැනට මෙම ප්‍රවර්ගය පිටු හෝ මාධ්‍ය හෝ නොදරයි.